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Fire Restrictions in Unincorporated Larimer County

Effective as of July 31, 2024, the following restrictions are in place due to high fire risk conditions:


Open Fires: This includes campfires, cooking fires, and fires in permanent outdoor fireplaces.

Outdoor Smoking: Prohibited in parks, trails, and open spaces.

Fireworks: All types of fireworks and public firework displays are not allowed.

Incendiary Devices: Includes sky lanterns, exploding ammunition, exploding targets, and tracer ammunition.

Welding: Welding activities are prohibited.


Indoor Fireplaces and Wood Stoves: Fireplaces or wood stoves located inside a residence

Gas-Fueled Fires: Includes gas grills and camping stoves

Violating these restrictions can result in fines. This is not a full fire ban, but specific activities are restricted to reduce the risk of wildfires.


Fire restrictions Araphao and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland

FORT COLLINS, Colo. (August 2, 2024) – Due to increasing fire activity across the Front Range, limited availability of resources, and current fire weather outlooks and fuels conditions, the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland has enacted Stage 2 fire restrictions. Stage 2 fire restrictions will affect all National Forest System lands within the Boulder, Canyon Lakes, Clear Creek, Pawnee and Sulphur Ranger Districts beginning today, Friday, August 2, 2024. Stage 2 fire restrictions limit where and what type of fires visitors can have. The purpose of these restrictions is to protect public health, safety, and natural resources by preventing wildfires. 

The following is PROHIBITED under Stage 2 Fire Restrictions:

  • Igniting, building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire campfire, charcoal barbecue, or grill, except if using a device solely fueled by liquid or gas that can be turned on and off in an area barren or cleared of all flammable materials within three feet of the device.
  • Smoking is prohibited, except in an enclosed vehicle or building.
  • Use of motorized equipment without an approved spark arrestor that is properly installed and in effective working order. Chainsaw operators must have a fire extinguisher and a shovel.
  • Blasting, welding, or operating a torch with an open flame.
  • Possessing or using a motor vehicle off National Forest System roads, except when parking in an area devoid of vegetation within 10 feet of the motor vehicle.
  • Violating any Colorado state law concerning burning, fires or which is for the purpose of preventing, or restricting the spread of fires.
  • Fireworks are always prohibited on National Forest System lands.

The following activities and uses are ALLOWED under Stage 2 Fire Restrictions:

  • Liquid or gas fueled stoves, lanterns, or heating devices with on/off switches on surfaces clear of flammable vegetation.

Violation of Stage 2 fire restrictions could result in a maximum fine of $5,000 for an individual or $10,000 for an organization, or imprisonment for not more than six months, or both. If responsible for causing a wildfire, one could be held accountable for suppression costs of that fire.

Be sure to visit the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland’s Know Before You Go page to see the fire restrictions order and other useful information to help plan your trip.

Board Meeting Rescheduled

The September Board Meeting has been rescheduled for September 16th, 2024 at 7:00pm. There will be a Special Work Session prior to the Board Meeting which begins at 6:00pm.

GVFD is looking for Volunteers

GVFD is looking for a volunteer to serve as Recording Secretary and Designated Election Official. Details posted on Job Posting Page.